Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Senseless Violence (Surprise, Surprise)

Once again, I've come across another violent story, but this time it's a bank robber in Indiana who shot a pregnant teller in the lower abdoment.

Here's the link:


Okay, first of all, what where these people doing robbing a bank in the first place? Yes, I understand that there are idiots in this world who are too lazy, too evil, too whatever to make an honest living instead of getting a quick fix in cash by robbing a bank. I get that there are attention whores out there that want to make the news (this applies to men and women). And yes, some people do this out of "desperation" or whatever. I'm not so naive that I would assume that anyone would ever use that excuse or that they felt oppressed by society. But what does desperation or opression have to do with shooting a woman who was pregnant with twins? What could ever justify that? The story never mentioned her resisting the robbers or anything.

I don't know whether or not the fetuses were harmed. It seems likely that they were. But even if they weren't, nothing could ever justify harming an unborn child, let alone two.

If these fetuses were killed, I hope the pertitrators are not only tried for robbery, but for murder as well. This woman clearly did not deserve this.

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