Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hmm . . . now this is setting the bar in the insanity olympics.

Just when I thought people couldn't be anymore messed up, they prove me wrong. I'm now thinking of a story I had seen only a few weeks earlier about the teen that was purchasing chemicals to blow up his school. I wondered how these new kids, these new future wannabee killers were gonna set the bar. I have my answer right here.

Ryan Schallenberger, a straight-A senior at Chesterfield High School, said that he wanted to bomb his high school so that he could go up to heaven and kill Jesus.

My opinion: Really? You're a straight-A student. You're obviously an intelligent individual. You have so much potential to do great things. So why are you wasting this, wanting to blow up your school to kill Jesus? I'm not an athiest. I believe in Jesus, and I have to guess this makes him very sad. Either that, or he's laughing his head off at your insanity. Somehow I think it's the former, but you never know.

Why are so many students these days resorting to violence to get attention? Do they really believe that they have no other means of being noticed? Why? Why? Why?! You people are making my head hurt! Please, get some mental help and stop thinking about killing the few sane people around you. This is not what society should be reduced to.

Again, this topic is open for discussion.

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